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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Moleskine App Launching Exclusively For Galaxy Note 10.1 And Galaxy Note II

It looks as if that Galaxy Note II and Galaxy Note 10.1 are going to be a wee bit more appealing thanks to famed paper notebook company MoleskineMoleskine has partnered with Samsung to unveil the Moleskine app for Android, which our friends at The Verge was able to get some hands-on time and get a feel of the app and its uniqueness to the Note devices. The Moleskine app brings complete sketching, drawing, and note-taking functionality and will feature options like color, size, handwriting-to-text and brushstroke— as well as the ability to delete pages. While they sound pretty standard, the functions operate through each device’sS Pen, so there’s a cool sort of appeal there. The app is exclusive to the Galaxy Note II and 10.1 for 6 months, so for now— you’ll only see the app preinstalled on those two devices and not available anywhere for some time. However you have to admit, it is pretty awesome and it’s cool that Samsung has that type of exclusivity.

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