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Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Reports Indicate Samsung Resales Are Taking Over The Marketplace Since Last Week’s Apple Verdict

It looks as if Samsung hasn’t gotten the last laugh after all. After a recent study pointed out Samsung’s Galaxy S III smartphone gained in popularity since the landmark verdict last week, another study pointed out Samsung users are actually reselling their smartphones like the Galaxy S II in massive droves. According to online retailer Gazelle, there has been “a 50 percent increase in sold-in Samsung phones“, which caused a subsequent “10 percent drop in prices for these devices“. More importantly– the cost of the device is likely to drop even further, especially with more resells of the various Samsung devices and the impending arrival of Apple’s iPhone 5 in a matter of weeks. A random sample of the cost of the Galaxy S II as an example currently ranges between $80 – $116, depending on the Galaxy S II’s condition. Conversely, an Apple iPhone 4 averages $200, while the iPhone 4S averages $300.
Naturally this could be a classic case of one jumping the gun because after all— the Galaxy S II is still no doubt a good phone, but an aging phone at that. Perhaps the masses sold their Galaxy S II’s in anticipation for a better phone like the Galaxy Note II? Yeah… that sounds like a stronger argument to me.

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