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Monday, 26 November 2012

Holiday Gift Idea for the Kids: Talking Friends Superstars will communicate with Android (or iOS) apps

If you’re looking for something different this holiday season for the kids, then you might want to take a look at Talking Friends Superstars by Out Fit 7. These guys are the makers of Talking Tom and Friends, but these new Talking Friends Superstars can be controlled by an Android (or iOS) device. As you can see in the videos below, your child’s new friend will respond to the app with catchy tunes, witty riddles, amusing jokes, and a number of whimsical sounds. I can also imagine that they will annoy the pants off the parents, but it it puts a smile on your child’s face it’s worth it right? They have three friends available for $49.99 each: Angela, Tom, and Ginger. The app itself is free. Hit the break for a couple of videos, and hit the source link for more information.

source: tfsuperstar

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