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Friday, 14 December 2012

Google helping users avoid bad ad clicks with confirmation feature

“Fat finger” users can breathe a tiny bit easier this evening as Google has introduced a new confirmed clicks feature. According to Allen Huang, Product Manager for Google’s Mobile Display Ads team, the new feature will be active for all in-app image ad banners. The new functionality will prompt users to confirm their intent to follow an ad link.
Huang indicates the new feature follows the work of the Mobile Display Ads team to improve the user experience when dealing with text ads. With the text ad banners, when clicking on a blue button, the user would go to the advertised item’s site. However, clicking on the text brings up a prompt asking the user if that really was their intent.
Research by Huang’s team found that when it comes to image ads, most accidental clicks occur at the edge of an image ad, usually when a user is trying to scroll or access content. The new feature will now ask for a confirmation when a user clicks at the edge of an ad as opposed to the middle area.
Huang says the extra confirmation step improves mobile conversion rates despite the lower click-through rate. The change improves not only the user experience, but the sales process for advertisers who no longer have to deal with visitors who, at best, are not interested in their product and, at worst, are angered at having ended up somewhere they did not want to be.

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