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Sunday, 9 December 2012

SwiftKey “Flow” will be an update to the existing SwiftKey app

There is much excitement about SwiftKey’s new “Flow” keyboard that will be released in the very near future. However, equal to the amount of excitement is the amount of confusion: Is this a separate app? Or an update with an added feature? SwiftKey only added to the confusion when it released a Beta Version of a “SwiftKey Flow” app for beta testers to download. Even in its marketing strategy, SwiftKey seems to be promoting Flow not as a feature, but as a full-fledged application. Well, thankfully for us all, one confused customer used Twitter to ask SwiftKey for some clarification…and here was SwiftKey’s response:
So there you have it folks. SwiftKey Flow is a new feature that will be added to the normal SwiftKey 3 keyboard via an update. That means all you SwiftKey 3 users will get the feature without having to fork out any extra cash! Good deal!
Source: Twitter

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