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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

HTC and Verizon team up in New York on November 13th

When leaks and news get rolling on a given device, it seems that it just arrives in droves – which we definitely enjoy. The hot device of late, since the Nexus 4 has died down a bit, is the DROID DNA. Seeing as the DNA news and leaks are coming fast and furious, coupled with this promo shot of a ‘collaboration’ between HTC and Verizon, we can only assume that this ‘collaboration’ will be the official announcement of the DROID DNA in some fashion. Granted, it could be an 8x event as that has happened in the past, but we’re hoping for the official unveiling of the DNA.  After all, the timing seems right, or maybe that’s just my selfish enthusiasm. In any event, we’ll keep you posted as we learn more. Also, do you find it an odd coincidence that they’re holding this event on November 13th?

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