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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Miracast streaming, other additions coming to Sony Xperia T/TX via latest update

We discussed Miracast, the newest player in the streaming video segment earlier this year. It’s a segment that’s been around for a while that Android is playing catch up with, as it were. As a refresher, Miracast is similar to Samsung’s DLNA feature and a more recently announced feature of the Nexus 4 coupled with Android 4.2, which allows a person to mirror the images straight from a phone or tablet to a display over WiFi. This week a software update is beginning to roll out in Europe and Asia for the Xperia T/TX which includes this streaming functionality. The only catch is your network and your monitor will need to be Miracast-compatible.
An additional function which will likely appeal to battery-conscious users out there – and honestly who among us isn’t – is a feature which allows users to enable an extended standby function. This feature will disable data connections after a set amount of time, however what differentiates this from other features is that it’ll still allow for texts and calls to function as normal. Sony claims and extension of standby time by four-fold when opting in with this option. Other changes included with this update are some changes with the Movie and Walkman apps.
source:  Sony Mobile

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