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Friday, 12 October 2012

Google’s Eric Schmidt acknowledges the “Apple vs Android” battle while leaving Microsoft out

In a recent interview, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt clearly identifies Android and iOS as the only two top competitors when it comes to the mobile market and even calls it as the industries “defining contest.” With a small jab, Schmidt also claims that Google and Android are currently winning the battle and points out that there are four times more Android phones than iPhones and with 1.3 million activation’s per day, the company should reach a billion total by the end of this year. Quite mind boggling don’t you think? Especially for the early adopters as myself that were there since the beginning of this wonderful OS. Eric also couldn’t help but take another jab at Apple with their decision to go away with Google Maps and replace it with the far less superior iOS Maps. Eric was stated saying that Apple is now discovering that “maps are really hard,” opining that “Apple should have kept our maps… They’re better.”
Schmidt also pointed something out that I think Apple clearly needs to realize. While Schmidt likes to see Android on top, he admits that this intensifying rivalry between the two platforms does nothing but benefit the consumers at the end of the day.
In an interesting take, Schmidt also stated what he thinks are currently the top 4 companies in what he calls the “gang of four.” He states that Facebook, Amazon, Apple, and Google are the top 4 companies at the moment because they are all different and are all “making enormous investments.” When questioned as to why Microsoft wasn’t on the list, Schmidt said it was “intentional” because Microsoft has not brought any “state-of-the-art products” to the market as of late.
What do you guys think about Schmidt’s top 4 company list? I’d also suggest we take some time to reflect on the fact that Android is nearing its 1 billionth activation! I think it’s quite an impressive feat in such a short amount of time. So with this, I’d like to hear your guys’ Android story. How did you get into Android and when? Also, what Android device made you fall in love with the OS? It may or may not be the first Android device you owned. Let us know in the comments!

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