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Sunday, 14 October 2012

LG Releases Unusual 4-Minute Product Video Highlighting Optimus G Features, Gives Viewers A Martial Arts Show In The Process

The LG Optimus G smartphone is no doubt going to be the single device that will turn the LG brand around and give it some much-needed credibility among Android fans. With that in mind, in order for LG to show off its new superphone to the world, it has to develop a unique advertising campaign— and let’s just say that LG has successfully gotten this started by releasing an ummm… “unique” video highlighting the device’s features. In the product movie below, you will find a spokesmodel using some fancy hand gestures and moves as part of the simulation of the Optimus G’s features. You’ll see everything from the slimness of the device to the wonderful graphics to the impressive Q Slide function– which allows for simultaneous video watching and texting á la Samsung. Whether it’s better implemented than Sammy’s multitasking feature remains to be seen, though it’s nice to see other manufacturers incorporating this into their products as well.
All in all, the video does succeed in creating additional buzz of the Optimus G smartphone– albeit in an incredibly bizarre and unusual way. You can check out the full video below.

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