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Saturday, 13 October 2012

Mobilicity lists Samsung Galaxy Note II up for pre-order, will launch October 30th and will give $50 discount

The Canadian company Mobilicity has listed the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 up for pre-orders and will launch on October 30th. As an incentive for customers to pre-order their Note 2, they’re currently offering a $50 discount for the first 1,000 customers. There’s some fine print to it as you’ll have to sign up for their “automatic monthly payments” program. Here’s the full email response for when you pre-order:
Thank you! We have received your pre-order registration request for the Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone at Mobilicity. You are on the list of consumers eligible to be the first Canadians to get this smartphone when it launches in Canada on October 30, 2012!
You can also receive a $50 hardware credit on the Samsung Galaxy Note II from Mobilicity if you are one of the first 1,000 people to purchase and activate your Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone on Mobilicity’s unlimited network and sign up for automatic monthly payments by November 6, 2012!
Here is your confirmation number:
Please keep this confirmation number handy and stay tuned for more information. We will email you more details on how to take advantage of this special launch promotion by October 20th.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to launching the Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone, and providing you with a smart mobile experience.
Thank you!
Will this extra incentive entice any of you Mobilicity users to place your pre-orders on the Note 2?

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