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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Skitch receives UI overhaul and deeper Evernote integration

It’s been over a year since Evernote released Skitch in the Google Play Store, and they’ve been hard at working keeping the app up to snuff, despite a few complaints from users. The new update brings a refreshed interface, a few new toys and tools to play with, (Pixelate and Highlighter) and a long overdue feature, Evernote syncing capabilities. It requires Evernote to also be installed on your device, but if you’re using Skitch, chances are you’re pretty comfortable with Evernote, anyway.

Personally, I’m happy to see the effort put into updates like this. I’m a huge Evernote fan, and I rely on it for a number of things, from personal note syncing to note-taking for work. Adding more tools to Evernote only makes it that much better, especially a tool that’s as much fun to use as Skitch is.
What do you guys think? Are you excited about the update and new features, or are you in the group that misses Skitch before Evernote took over? Let us know in the comments.
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