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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Sony Xperia T Smartphone Achieves Full HD Voice Certification

Considering Sony’s upcoming Xperia T smartphone has all the typical bells and whistles of a flagship phone, it should come as no real surprise that we see features considered as innovative as well. Sony has announced the Xperia T has achieved full HD Voice certification. How HD Voice works is fairly simple: the technology differentiates mobile devices by voice call quality and the technology creates a quality hearing experience which is definitely improved from typical voice calls heard on both traditional and mobile calls. The effect is that HD Voice technology allows for a clear voice to be heard in usually noisier environments— as if the both individuals on a call are right next to each other.
So now that the technology is approved for the Xperia T, it will certainly allow us get through our various jobs and missions out there in the world— no matter how loud the circumstances may be.

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