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Saturday, 13 October 2012

Hands-on video reveals ASUS Padfone 2 design and specs

Earlier today, images leaked of ASUS’ upcoming Padfone 2, revealing the company’s second iteration of its half-phone, half-tablet hybrid. Shortly following the leak, a hands-on video emerged, unearthing the elusive device in all its glory.
The Padfone 2 will sport a a larger 4.7-inch HD display and a much improved 13-megapixel rear camera. Additionally, the new model is said to offer longer battery life, with the phone and tablet lasting between two and three days on a single charge. The video also provides more insight into the design changes, including the removal of the rear docking door. Catch the video below for the full run-down. (Note: the Padfone 2 segment begins at 1:40)

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